
Suntem mandri de recunoasterea primita de scutecele de la Naty. Competitia este acerba, insa produsele comercializate de noi au demostrat ani de-a randul ca pot concura cu oricine in materie de performanta. Produsele noastre adeveresc sloganul dupa care se ghideaza:“Go green without giving up performance”. Mai jos veti gasi cateva dintre premiile pe care produsele Naty pentru bebelusi le-au castigat de-a lungul anilor.


awards-img_long1Mumsnet Best Award – Suntem mandri sa primim premiul Mumsnet Best Award pentru scutecele eco de unica folosinta. Doar un mic numar de produse extraordinare primesc Mumsnet Best. Pentru a se califica pentru premiul acesta de aur, unui produs trebuie sa ii fie acordat in medie un numar de patru stele (sau mai mult) de un anumit numar de membrii Mumsnet.

My Childs Excellence Awards – Runner up, favorite disposable nappy.

Winner of Best Eco Nappy category, Junior Design Magazine (UK)
Winner of Best Designer Fashion category, Junior Design Magazine (UK)

“Good Environmental Choice” Eco Label from Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
Bronze Award, Toddler Wipes, Bizziebaby (UK)
Silver Award, Fragrance Free Wipes, Bizziebaby (UK)
Winner of Best Eco Nappy category, Junior Design Magazine (UK)
Highly recommended in Best Eco Skincare category, Junior Design Magazine (UK)
Short listed Clothing Line in Best Emerging Talent, Junior Design Magazine (UK)
Best Disposable Breast pads Award, TIPS Ltd. (UK)
Highly Recommended Baby Wipes, TIPS Ltd. (UK)

Bronze Award, Newborn Nappies in Practical Parenting Magazine (UK)
Short listed Toddler Wipes, Practical Parenting Magazine (UK)
Short listed Wipes, Practical Parenting Magazine (UK)
Short listed Pull on Pants, Practical Parenting Magazine (UK)
Short listed Nappies older babies, Practical Parenting Magazine (UK)
Silver Award, Toiletries, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)
Silver Award, Toiletries, Practical Pre-School Magazine (UK)
Silver Award, Pull on Pants, Practical Pre-School Magazine (UK)
Gold Award, Nappies, Practical Pre-School Magazine (UK)
Merit Award, Wipes, Practical Pre-School Magazine (UK)
Bronze Award, Shampoo, Bizziebaby (UK)
Bronze Award, Wash, Bizziebaby (UK)
Highly Recommended Baby Wipes, TIPS Ltd. (UK)

Green Award for Outstanding Product, EcoBabyWorld (USA)
TIPS Highly Commended Award, Lightly Scented Wipes, TIPS Ltd. (UK)
TIPS Highly Commended Award”, Fragrance Free Wipes, TIPS Ltd. (UK)
Best Disposable Nappy Bronze Award, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)
Highly Recommended Baby Wipes, TIPS Ltd. (UK)

Best Disposable Nappy Bronze Award, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)
Highly Recommended Award, Practical Parenting Magazine (UK)

Best Wipes Gold Award, Practical Pre-School Magazine (UK)
Highly Recommended, Practical Parenting Magazine (UK)
TIPS Editor’s Choice Award, Wipes from TIPS Ltd. (UK)
TIPS Editor’s Choice Award, Nursing Pads from TIPS Ltd. (UK)
Best Disposable Nappy Silver Award, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)
Best Baby Wipes, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)
Editor’s Choice Award, Junior Magazine (UK)

Best Disposable Nappy Silver Award, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)
Best Baby Wipes, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)
Editor’s Choice Award, Junior Magazine (UK)
Best Baby Wipe Gold Award, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)

Best Baby Wipe Gold Award, Mother and Baby Magazine (UK)